Frequently Asked Questions
How do you handle returns?
Check out our Returns page. If you have any any additional questions, Contact Us.
How do I tighten my buttons?
Buttons – Carefully remove buttons from board exposing the stainless hardware. To accomplish this, insert a sharp to semi-sharp edge and with a twist of the wrist, the button should release. If a button becomes loose, please bend button teeth outwards to catch recessed lip.
Nut Covers – Unscrew the nut covers exposing the stainless hardware. Tighten both nuts simultaneously with two (2) 9/16″ socket wrenches. Replace button/screw on nut cover.
How do I oil my board?
Please refrain from using your board for several days. Make sure the cutting board surface is dry and free of excess moisture. Dab small dime sized globs of all natural BoardBalm™ on the surface. Rub balm into the cutting board with your palms. This should be done for several minutes in the direction of the grain. The mineral oil in the balm helps lift the viscosity and penetrate the grain. We advise to please take your time when oiling a heavily used and abused cutting board. Fact: nobody enjoys a sliver. Let the board sit overnight. Time is needed for the beeswax in our balm to oxidize and stiffen. Wipe excess oxidized balm from surface and Happy Chopping!
How do I get my board resurfaced?
Make a request here.
How do I sanitize my board after cutting raw food products?
- Hot water and soap (recommended) – Scrub board with hot water and soap, rinse and dry/pad dry thoroughly.NOTE: never fully submerge cutting boards in a sink of water. Wood is extrstrongely porous. Moisture trapped inside the board may potentially cause warping.
- Vinegar – To disinfect and clean your wood cutting boards, wipe them with full strength white vinegar after each use. The acetic acid in the vinegar is a good disinfectant, effective against such harmful bugs as E. coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus. Vinegar is especially good for people with chemical allergies. Keep a spray bottle of undiluted vinegar handy for easy cleaning and sanitizing.
- Hydrogen Peroxide – A 3% hydrogen peroxide can also be used as a bacteria-killer. To kill the germs on your cutting board, use a paper towel to wipe the board down with vinegar, and then use another paper towel to wipe it with hydrogen peroxide.
- Bleach – Sanitize the wood cutting board with a diluted chlorine bleach or vinegar solution consisting of one teaspoon of liquid chlorine bleach in one quart of water or a one (1) to five (5) dilution of vinegar. Wash the surface with the sanitizing solution and allow it to stand for several minutes, then rinse and air/wipe dry.